For over thirty years a constituent of Canadian governance has been successful shielded from view. The corruption that's festered like a bad cavity got so profound the state now needs a root canal. Beginning in March 2010 invitations went out to 280 plus organizations, associations and groups with a combined membership of over 20 million Canadians who believe in democracy and demand reform and accountability where warranted.
Upon first glance invitees might consider what some titles describe in the Table of Contents of Systemic Corruption, Criminality and China in Canada to be at minimum hyperbolic and at maximum inconceivable. Final judgment ought to be suspended until all the information, evidence and arguments are reviewed. His conclusions will in the end result be viewed as rational and logical that how Canada's system of government evolved over two centuries produced a consolidation of power that is no different than authoritarian regimes observed in the 20th century and around the world today; the difference here being the corruption and criminality was and continues to be operating behind a cleverly manufactured façade of democratic respectability.
In the early 1970s, during the Cold War, the Trudeau Liberals and the country's old money families entered into a non-transparent relationship with the communist Chinese that became a geo-political marriage of the most intimate kind. These foreigners were given a seat at the federal and provincial cabinet tables to help formulate policy and make executive decisions that benefited China and its ever-increasing emigrant population. By the end of that decade, and as a result of Trudeau's pillar domestic policy of using Parliament and colluding legislatures to forcefully monopolize the economy, the rich and Chinese secretly divided up the country's prosperity amongst themselves; trickling down only enough to perpetuate that façade. Between the mid-1980s and today they systematically embezzled trillions of dollars -- robbing the middle class and poor of what an economy generated when it more than doubled.
The RCC founder's research is now being widely disseminated. The results of that comprehensive six-year inquiry has been delivered to virtually every organization in Canada to trigger historic reform and hold those responsible who violated our constitution, the Criminal Code and other statutes believing they were above and beyond the law. The first step in accountability occurred in September 2008 when the National Security Division of the RCMP launched a formal investigation into what his lengthy study revealed. Not unexpectedly it was terminated by political and geo-political interference six months later. Now it's up to 30 million plus Canadians to finish what law enforcement couldn't. The platform is the RCC and the method is a national awareness campaign by those invited to participate.
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